
We need to embrace the Constitution.  We stand against those who believe in free speech only if you agree with them, the right to bear arms only if you’re committing a crime, etc. We also need to embrace the wisdom of our founding fathers and restore a love of our country and its ideals.


Our founding fathers created a constitution. It is designed to be adjusted through amendments…not liberal judges imposing their values on the nation. If we need changes to our constitution, our elected legislators offer amendments that will be voted on following the procedure outlined in the original document.

We believe in that document, as written and amended, and the ideals it espouses.

Free speech must be free no matter who is speaking and whether or not we agree with their speech. We’ve all heard the quote: “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” Let’s return to the days of common-sense around free speech.

The right to bear arms is similar. The words “shall not be infringed” are very clear. History teaches us that when a dictator comes to power, one of his first acts is to disarm the populace. Our founders were aware of that and provided us with a method to defend ourselves against tyrants.

We think it’s time for our nation to know the constitution and follow it. Our goal is to educate Georgians on its words, meanings, and values. Once that occurs we will embrace the wisdom of our founding fathers and restore a love of our country and its ideals.