Thanks to radical far-left DAs, Judges and legislators, crime is out of control. We need to enforce the law…for EVERYONE. No more two-tier justice. No more punishing one group while ignoring another group’s crimes. We deserve a safe America and a safe Georgia.
Crime is out of control. We need to enforce the law…for EVERYONE. No more two-tier justice. When our District Attorneys answer to George Soros and not their voters, we have a problem. When our judges use woke terms like “restorative justice” instead of treating all groups the same, we have a problem. When our legislators look to enshrine criminal behavior as acceptable, we have a problem.
Allowing criminals to steal as long as it’s not over $950 is insane! No civilized country should accept that; no conservative voter should waste their vote on a politician that encourages that.
President Trump had misdemeanors treated as felonies. The classified documents he held were treated differently than those in Joe Biden’s garage. Hunter’s room wasn’t raided by the FBI even though his laptop showing obvious crimes (for which his dad pardoned him) was in their possession but (teenager) Barron Trump’s was.

Two-tier justice is NOT justice. There’s a blindfold on Lady Justice for a reason. We need to reform our judicial system so that every person, not just friends of President Biden, can be treated fairly in EVERY court in America.
We deserve a safe America and a safe Georgia.