Second Amendment

It’s been said that you can’t have the first amendment without the second. We all have the God-given right to protect ourselves and defend our homes, families, and land. Liberals are trying to take these rights away. We stand with our founders, our constitution and commonsense in fighting to keep them.

Second Amendment

Our founders knew if the colonists had not possessed weapons, the British would have won the war. They also knew that without weapons, the citizens couldn’t protect themselves from attacks by animals or people. Nothing’s changed in 250 years!

If China or Russia were to invade, they would be met with the largest armed militia in the world! And when your home is broken into, your car has been car-jacked or your family is in danger, the best protection, in that moment, is your gun.

When seconds count, the police are minutes away.

Hunter Biden broke federal gun laws. And made multiple videos of his crimes. Then those videos were turned over to the FBI. But their focus was on grandmothers in the Capital on January 6th, people praying silently in front of abortion clinics and garage door pulls having the audacity to exist! And Hunter Biden’s crimes were pardoned.

The 2nd Amendment is not up for discussion. Only dictators and fascists try to disarm their citizens. Anyone advocating taking away your God-given right to self-defense is either a dictator or a fascist.