A recent poll said that 70% of Americans consider fast food to be a “luxury.” This is unacceptable. We must rein in out of control government spending, promote growth of jobs, and reduce regulations on businesses so they can grow. Small businesses are the life-blood of America. We MUST have a strong economy where good jobs allow a good lifestyle.
Most Americans have trouble making ends meet. Basic necessities are too expensive. The cause: printing money.

In a game of Monopoly, if the bank keeps adding money from other game sets, and handing it out to favored players, it throws off the dynamics of the game. That’s what the federal government has been doing for years.
By printing money, it reduces the value of the newly printed money AND the previously printed money. $100 from 1913 has lost about 97% of its value. To put it another way:
To get the same value of $100 from 1913 it takes $3186.80 today!
See for yourself: go to and use their calculator
If you’ve bought eggs, milk, bacon, gas, or really anything over the past year or so, you don’t need a calculator to tell you how bad prices have gotten. To hide some of that inflation, we are seeing “shrinkflation” where packaging has changed to hide how much less you get today.
Government has to live on less. Way less. Or we do. Building Georgia sides with average Georgians and wants to see government have to cut back.