

“Our mission is to secure the American Dream for future generations of Georgians by promoting American values as defined in our founding documents. God-given rights, freedoms enshrined in our constitution, wisdom based on Biblical principles, timeless values of individual responsibility, free-market capitalist economic views, and the belief in the freedoms & historic greatness of America will be encouraged and protected.”

Building Georgia, a 501(c)(4) organization, was formed in 2022 to engage in voter education and issue advocacy.  We seek to advance common-sense conservative policies that will both affect Georgia (and Georgians) today and well into the future. Our focus is to secure the American Dream for ALL Georgians by promoting American Values and standing for Constitutional Rights.

We have several methods to accomplish these goals.

One is by providing educational materials to civic clubs, schools, churches, and political groups.  These materials are free of charge to the groups that request them. We often add new publications to our selection, so check back to see what new information or options exist for you to choose from.

We also provide speakers for similar type events.  Should your club, school, church or party event wan us to help provide a speaker, please contact us and we will get a like-minded common-sense conservative to share our vision regarding the future of America & Georgia with your group.

We engage with our legislature and elected officials before, during and after the General Assembly sessions with common-sense legislative ideas, conservative suggestions for making legislation better or stronger, and by reaching out to our database of friends and like-minded Georgians to educate them about issues facing our state and how they can influence the process.  By working together we all help build a Georgia we can be proud of and that will be a wonderful place to call home decades into the future.

Issues come and go but conservative principles remain the same.  Wisdom from our founders echoes thru leaders like Lincoln, Reagan and Trump.  We want to amplify that message and make sure that these bedrock conservative principles aren’t being forgotten or taken for granted by our current and future elected leaders.


Executive Director

Board of Advisors

Executive Director

Board of Advisors

CONTACT Building Georgia

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