Being pro-family means keeping inflation low, ensuring kids get a quality education, and promoting conservative common-sense American values. It means recognizing that life doesn’t begin at birth. It means standing up to those who would sexualize children for their “woke” ideologies.
Being pro-family means many things as the family unit includes parents, children, grandparents, siblings and adopted family members. Some families include friends that are closer than brothers and “substitute” grandparents that live closer than the biological ones. Our focus is to strengthen the entire family.
Our pro-family agenda:
- Keeping inflation low.
- Ensuring kids get a quality education.
- Recognizing life begins at conception.
- Fighting “woke” ideologies that attempt to harm our children or force racial or gender quotas for hiring.
- Promoting common-sense conservative American values.
The family unit is a vital building block of society. Those that attempt to harm the family are really just trying to harm America and Western civilization.