School Choice

If your child’s school is pushing “woke” ideologies, you need an option. While Critical Race Theory and other indoctrination methods are bad, declining test scores are even worse. Why pay taxes for education then have to pay again to send your child to a different school to actually get a good education?

School Choice

Imagine your child coming home and telling you that 2+2=5. Or that you can spell “cat” as “kat” if that’s your truth! Or that red is just a social construct and color is just an attempt to control people.

Now consider if NO child in your kid’s school was “proficient in math” and that same statistic was true in 23 schools in one city!

A school has one, and only one, function: To educate the next generation. If they are failing in that task, parents should have the freedom to make a better decision as to where their child is educated. After paying state taxes and local taxes, why can’t those dollars follow the child where the parent wants them to be educated?!?

You are allowed to choose your doctor. You are allowed to choose your bank. Why aren’t you allowed to choose the school that you think is best for your kids? For too long, teachers unions have fought this. And the administrative bureaucracy is hand in hand with them.

But the average teacher that got into education because they care about kids is frustrated, just like parents. Let’s get teachers teaching, kids learning and education bureaucrats hunting for other jobs!